What love feels like.

Is everything worth it? Is this my ending?

I was in my room when his mom called. “He’s in the emergency room. Come here. Quick.” I did go. Quicker than I’ll ever be.

He’ll be in coma. We don’t know when but.. Its gonna happen.” That’s what the doctor said after the long wait.

I can’t pretend its okay anymore. I got up. Wanting to ease this pain. I ran. Tears falling. My eyes blurry. I don’t know where Im going I just wanted to run. I didn’t know Im outside of the hospital. And in a blink of an eye…

I open my eyes. And there was him, standing in one foot, the other on the wall. With that crooked smile he always wore. But a doctor came in. And then my mom and Kuya. Weeping,

Why are you crying?” He shifted his foot and go to my direction.

They can’t hear you, babe.” I look down and I saw my body, cold, pale with a lot of IVs.

You are on the wait list, too.” I looked at him again, questioning. Then he smiled, sheepishly.

I needed company.” And all of my questions gone. I smiled.

I guess Im all that you’ve got.

Its like being dead and being alive at the same time.


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